

JCRE, Volume 3, 2024

Need for Cognition, Cognitive Load, and Forewarning do not Moderate Anchoring Effects. A Replication Study of Epley & Gilovich (Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2005; Psychological Science, 2006) by Lukas Röseler, Hannah L. Bögler, Lisa Koßmann, Sabine M. Krueger, Sabrina L. C. Bickenbach, Ricarda Bühler, Jasmin della Guardia, Lisa-Marie A. Köppel, Jarl Möhring, Susanne Ponader, Konstantin Roßmaier, and Jessica Sing (JCRE, Vol.3, 2024-8). DOI: 10.18718/81781.38. The R code and data are available »here.

Does Proactive Policing Really Increase Major Crime? A Replication Study of Sullivan and O’Keeffe (Nature Human Behaviour, 2017) by Aaron Chalfin, David Mitre-Becerril, and Morgan C. Williams, Jr. (JCRE, Vol.3, 2024-6). DOI: 10.18718/81781.36. The R code and data are available »here.

Historical Communist Party Strength and Modern Party Loyalty. A Replication Study of Barceló (PNAS, 2021) by Edmund J. Malesky and Trung-Anh Nguyen (JCRE, Vol.3, 2024-5). DOI: 10.18718/81781.35. The R code and data are available »here.

Omitted Variable Bias and Wartime Legacies. A Reply to Malesky and Nguyen (Journal of Comments and Replications in Economics, 2024) by Joan Barceló (JCRE, Vol.3, 2024-7). DOI: 10.18718/81781.37. The R code and data are available »here.

Trends in U.S. Wage Inequality: Revising the Revisionists. A Replication Study of Autor, Katz, and Kearney (The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2008) by Corinne Stephenson (JCRE, Vol.3, 2024-4). DOI: 10.18718/81781.34. The Stata code is available »here.

Migration, Diversity, and Economic Growth. A Replication Study of Bove and Elia (World Development, 2017) by Bianca Balsimelli Ghelli and Luigi Ventura (JCRE, Vol.3, 2024-3). DOI: 10.18718/81781.33. The Stata code and data are available »here.

Market Access and Quality Upgrading: Evidence from Four Field Experiments: A Replication Study of Bold et al. (American Economic Review, 2022) by Ryan McWay, Karim Nchare, and Pu Sun (JCRE, Vol.3, 2024-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.32. The Stata code and data are available »here.

Why You Should Never Use the Hodrick-Prescott Filter. A Comment on Hamilton (The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2018) by Alban Moura (JCRE, Vol.3, 2024-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.31.
The Matlab code and data are available »here.

JCRE, Volume 2, 2023

The Long-Term Effects of Measles Vaccination on Earnings and Employment. A Replication Study of Atwood (American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2022) by Mara Barschkett, Mathias Huebener, Andreas Leibing, Jan Marcus, and Shushanik Margaryan (JCRE, Vol.2, 2023-4). DOI: 10.18718/81781.30.
Replication package is available »here.

Knowledge Transfers from Multinational to Domestic Firms: Evidence from Worker Mobility. A Replication Study of Poole (Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013) by Stefanie A. Haller, Eoin T. Flaherty, and Ragnhild Balsvik (JCRE, Vol.2, 2023-3). DOI: 10.18718/81781.29.
Data access description and log files are available »here.

Culture: An Empirical Investigation of Beliefs, Work, and Fertility. A Verification and Reproduction of Fernández and Fogli (American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2009) by Victor Gay (JCRE, Vol.2, 2023-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.28.
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

Giving and Taking in Dictator Games – Differences by Gender? A Replication Study of Chowdhury et al. (Southern Economic Journal, 2017) by Korbinian von Blanckenburg, Eva Tebbe, and Anja Iseke (JCRE, Vol.2, 2023-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.27
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

JCRE, Volume 1, 2022

A Proposed Hybrid Effect Size Plus p-Value Criterion. A Comment on Goodman et al. (The American Statistician, 2019) by by Peter Pütz, Arne Kramer-Sunderbrink, Robin Tim Dreher, Leona Hoffmann, and Robin Werner (JCRE, Vol.1, 2022-4). DOI: 10.18718/81781.26
R code is available »here.

Exit, Voice and Political Change: Evidence from Swedish Mass Migration to the United States. A Comment on Karadja and Prawitz (Journal of Political Economy, 2019) by Per Pettersson-Lidbom (JCRE, Vol.1, 2022-3). DOI: 10.18718/81781.25
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

The Possible Unemployment Cost of Average Inflation Below a Credible Target. A Replication Study of Svensson (American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2015) by Ramy Oraby (JCRE, Vol.1, 2022-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.24
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

The Relationship between Government and Private Consumption. A Replication of Fiorito & Kollintzas (European Economic Review, 2004) by Zhongchen Song (JCRE, Vol.1, 2022-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.23
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

The Journal of Comments and Replication in Economics (JCRE) replaces the previous International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics (IREE). As its successor, JCRE continues to host and maintain IREE’s publications.

IREE, Volume 5, 2021

The Mental Health Cost of Terrorism. A Replication Study of Kim and Albert Kim (Health Economics, 2018) by Tyler Smith and Tom Coupé (IREE, Vol.5, 2021-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.20.
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

IREE, Volume 4, 2020

The Labour Market Effects of a Refugee Wave. A Replication Study of Peri and Yasenov (Journal of Human Resources, 2019) by Michael Christl (IREE, Vol.4, 2020-4). DOI: 10.18718/81781.19.
Stata do-files and analysis data sets are available »here.

Trends in the Gender Wage Gap in the US. A Replication Study of Blau and Kahn (Journal of Economic Literature 2017) by Matthias Collischon (IREE, Vol.4, 2020-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.17.
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Not Evidence for Baumol’s Cost Disease. A Replication Study of Hartwig (Journal of Health Economics, 2008) by Atanda, Akinwande and W. Robert Reed (IREE, Vol.4, 2020-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.16.
EViews-Code and the log-files are available »here.

Not Evidence for Baumol’s Cost Disease. A Reply to Atanda and Reed (International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics, 2020) by Jochen Hartwig (IREE, Vol.4, 2020-3) DOI: 10.18718/81781.18
EViews-Code and the log-files of Atanda’s and Reed’s replication are available »here.

IREE, Volume 3, 2019

Semiparametric Value-At-Risk Estimation of Portfolios. A Replication Study of Dias (Journal of Banking & Finance, 2014) by Jiahua Xu (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-6) DOI: 10.18718/81781.15
MATLAB-Codes are available »here.

Meta-analysis and Publication Bias: How Well Does the FAT-PET-PEESE Procedure Work? A Replication Study of Alinaghi & Reed (Research Synthesis Methods, 2018) by Sanghyun Hong (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-4) DOI: 10.18718/81781.13
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Meta-analysis and Publication Bias: How Well Does the FAT-PET-PEESE Procedure Work? A Reply to Hong (International Journal for Re-Views in Empirical Economics, 2019) by W. Robert Reed (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-5) DOI: 10.18718/81781.14
R-Code and the log-files of Hong’s replication are available »here.

Estimating Microcredit Impact with Low Take-up, Contamination and Inconsistent Data. A Replication Study of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo, and Parienté (American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2015) by Florent Bédécarrats, Isabelle Guérin, Solène Morvant-Roux, and François Roubaud (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-3) DOI: 10.18718/81781.12
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

A reply by Bruno Crépon, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, and William Parienté (2019) to an earlier version of this replication study can be found here: “Verifying the internal validity of a flagship RCT: A review of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo and Parienté”: A rejoinder. DIAL WP N°2019-07A.

A reply by Florent Bédécarrats, Isabelle Guérin, Solène Morvant-Roux, and François Roubaud to the rejoinder by Bruno Crépon, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, and William Parienté can be found here: Verifying the internal validity of a flagship RCT: A review of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo and Pariente. Rebutting the Rebuttal. DIAL WP N°2019-07B.

Revisiting the Drivers of Natural Gas Prices. A Replication Study of Brown & Yücel (The Energy Journal, 2008) by Gavin Roberts (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-2) DOI: 10.18718/81781.11
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Tweet Sixteen and Pregnant: Missing Links in the Causal Chain from Reality TV to Fertility. A Replication Study of Kearney & Levine (American Economic Review, 2015) by David A. Jaeger, Theodore J. Joyce & Robert Kaestner (IREE, Vol.3, 2019-1) DOI: 10.18718/81781.10
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

IREE, Volume 2, 2018

Federal Minimum Wage Hikes Do Reduce Teenage Employment. A Replication Study of Bazen & Marimoutou (Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2002) by Stephen Bazen & Velayoudom Marimoutou (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-5) DOI: 10.18718/81781.9
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Malaria Eradication in the Americas. A Replication Study of Bleakley (American Economic Journal. Applied Economics, 2010) by David Roodman (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-4) DOI: 10.18718/81781.8
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

The Impacts of Hookworm Eradication in the American South. A Replication Study of Bleakley (The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2007) by David Roodman (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-3). DOI: 10.18718/81781.7
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Editorial by Martina Grunow, Hilmar Schneider, Gert G. Wagner, and Joachim Wagner (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.6

Inflation and Broadband Revisited: Evidence from an OECD Panel. A Replication Study of Yi and Choi (Journal of Policy Modeling, 2005) by Klaus Friesenbichler (IREE, Vol.2, 2018-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.5
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

IREE, Volume 1, 2017

Productivity Premia for Many Modes of Internationalization. A Replication Study of Békés and Muraközy (Economics Letters, 2016) by Joachim Wagner (IREE, Vol.1, 2017-4). DOI: 10.18718/81781.4
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Religious Loyalty and Acceptance of Corruption. A Replication Study of Gouda and Park (Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2015) by Joachim Wagner (IREE, Vol.1, 2017-3). DOI:10.18718/81781.3
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Does Online Availability Increase Citations? A Replication Study of McCabe and Snyder (Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015) by Joachim Wagner (IREE, Vol.1, 2017-2). DOI: 10.18718/81781.2
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.

Firm Size and the Use of Export Intermediaries. A Replication Study of Abel-Koch (The World Economy, 2013) by Joachim Wagner (IREE Vol.1, 2017-1). DOI: 10.18718/81781.1 
Stata do-files and the log-files are available »here.